May 2021 Elections Turnout

A post tracking the May 2021 Travis County voter turnout at a precinct-level.

Current voter turnout (% of registered voters):

Full screen

Votes Cast Vs. Not (yet?) Cast:

Full screen

What am I looking at?

These maps show voter turnout across voter precincts in Travis County, Texas for the current Spring 2021 election. Travis County is currently in the early voting period. The maps show both in-person and those mail-in ballots that have been received. The County shares voting data daily showing who voted for each day.

Why track this?

Last November, I made a similar map that I updated daily to track voter turnout. We had a lot of data during a general election about general turnout trends. Off year elections, especially during May have very low participation. A voter being ever so slightly more likely to turn out can tip the balance of any of the elections taking place. How’s your neighborhood doing? Who’s voting and who isn’t?

Where is the data from?

Voter precinct shapefile: Travis County Tax Assessor’s Office

Daily Vote Total files: Travis County

My processed data


This is a personal project of mine and is not an official source of election information.


Written on April 19, 2021