Austin's New Mobility Trip Distance

How Austin’s new dock(less) mobility average trip distance stacks up.

Austin Average Trip Distance by Mode
*Average commute distance by mode, 2009 National Household Travel Survey
BCycle docked bike data
Dockless data from City of Austin

Austin Average Trip Distance by Mode, 2009 National Household Travel Survey
TNC (Transportation Networking Company) Data from RideAustin 2016

Our dockless automobiles provide some of the longest trip lengths in the region. Although, one trip will always contain multiple modes, even it is walking through a parking lot. Reducing vehicle trips will require access to public transportation. Many are hoping that new mobility methods will solve the last mile problem.

2016, City of Austin

When you look at these numbers it is important to keep the scale in mind. I am examining an urban area in a largely suburban city. When only 7% of Austinites can replace their car, we must make investments in public transportation.


Written on November 14, 2018