Austin Bluetooth Travel Time Mapping

Austin Bluetooth Travel Time Mapping


This script creates a table (2019-2021 PMs v3.csv) of performance measures for the average weekday (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) PM peak hour (4:30 to 5:30) for Austin’s bluetooth segments for three years: 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Performance Measures Definitions


The Federal Highway Administration defines congestion as peak hour speeds being lower than 60% of free-flow speed. Free-flow speed is determined as the average speed that occurs at midnight to 3AM.


The reliability is calculated using Buffer Time Index (BTI) which is based on the difference between the 95th percentile travel time and the average travel time. A larger BTI means a larger variation in travel times and less reliability. BTI >= 1.5 is unreliable, 1.25 to 1.5 is moderately reliable, and < 1.25 is considered reliable.

Required Packages

Sodapy, and make sure you type in your app token.

Geopandas, Pandas


The interactive map is available here. This was created with Mapbox GL JS and the geoJSON and html is located in the maps folder